Anne Lloyd

Anne is a specialist in hygiene promotion, with a focus on community engagement. She has more than 35 years humanitarian experience, including more than 10 years working in low-income countries and fragile states as part of humanitarian response teams. Her experience includes multiple categories of humanitarian crisis and response, protracted disasters, post emergency and planning for long-term development.

Anne has worked for several different organisations (NGOs, UN, Red Cross Movement) and focuses on the hygiene promotion/community engagement aspects of WASH. She has been involved in the production of key documents, such as the Guidelines on Hygiene Promotion for IFRC, and the revision of the Sphere Handbook. Anne is a charity member of RedR and is on the British Red Cross/IFRC roster as a Hygiene Promoter.

Anne has a long history of working in a wide variety of humanitarian contexts, planning, implementing, monitoring and capacity building on health/hygiene promotion; this includes responses to natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes, epidemic responses (Ebola), and movement of people due to conflict (Uganda).

In the course of her career, Anne has done 10 years of field work and 5 years as an adviser for Oxfam’s Global Humanitarian Team, which involved doing rapid assessments, providing advice and support both in the field and from the Oxford office. For the last 20 years, Anne has worked as a freelance consultant doing reviews/evaluations, short rapid response deployments and capacity building in a variety of humanitarian topics (e.g. standards and accountability).

Anne obtained a Masters in Community Health for Developing Countries (MCommH) from Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool University in 1991. Additionally, she holds an MSc in Development Management from the Open University and an International Diploma in Humanitarian Assistance. Anne initially trained as a nurse/midwife/paediatric nurse which led to her working in the humanitarian sector.