Brian McSorley

Country Experience: Albania, Bangladesh, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda, Yemen.

Brian has a technical background in hydrogeology and groundwater resources, and a broad interest in durable water and sanitation solutions. He has more than 30 years professional engineering and management experience, including 25 years working exclusively in low-income countries and fragile states. His experience includes managing water and sanitation programmes and teams responding to protracted humanitarian crises, as well as long-term development.

Brian lived and worked in Horn and East Africa for 15 years, focusing on water issues in arid and semi-arid contexts.He returned to the UK in 2016 to join Oxfam’s Global Humanitarian Team. Brian has experience working with governments, donors, UN agencies, private sector, other civil society organisations (international and local) and affected populations to address their WASH needs. This includes urban, rural and working contexts, as well as working with mobile, sedentary and displaced communities affected by conflict, natural disasters and other human induced crises.

Brian has been a promoter of renewable energy for many years and is currently involved in the Global Solar Water Initiative, which aims to build evidence and train humanitarian workers and decision makers on the technical and economic benefits of adopting solar energy.

Brian has a Masters in Water Resource Systems Engineering from Newcastle University. He worked as a hydrogeologist in the UK for 4 years, prior to entering the development and humanitarian sectors.