Justin Hartree

Country Experience: Angola, Bangladesh, Grenada, Guatemala, Kenya, Kosovo, Mozambique, South Sudan, United Kingdom.

Justin is a specialist in water supply and sanitation, with more than 20 years of professional experience, including over 10 years working in low-income countries and fragile states. His experience includes humanitarian crisis and response, protracted disasters, post emergency planning and long-term development.

Since 2000, Justin has worked for Oxfam GB as a field engineer on many assignments, focusing on water, sanitation, team leading and staff training.

For the last ten years, Justin has worked for the Oxfam Supply Centre and been responsible for selection of equipment, quality control, innovation and product development. He has also advocated for wider training in WASH principles for programme managers and logistics staff, which led to development and delivery of the ‘WASH for Logs’ course at the Supply Centre in the UK and at Cox’s Bazaar in Bangladesh.

Justin also has experience working in water supply in the UK. He worked with the water distribution team at Bristol Water, focusing on the planning and implementing of repairs and maintenance of reservoirs, pumping stations, and the distribution pipe network.Prior to that he also worked in Guatemala for a small NGO, building gravity flow systems in remote rural communities.

Justin holds a joint Honours degree from Bristol University, UK, in Geography/Geology.