Louise Mooney

Country Experience: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Jordan, Laos, Lebanon, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Zimbabwe.

Louise is an experienced humanitarian and development professional who has worked in the sector for over 20 years. This includes having worked in multiple categories of humanitarian crisis and response, protracted disasters and long-term development.

With a background in public health and a recognised capability in MEAL, Louise is Oxfam’s Global Lead for Humanitarian MEAL and Knowledge Management.Louise has led several large-scale humanitarian and development programme evaluations and reviews, including real time reviews and meta-evaluationsIn addition to working with Oxfam, Louise has also worked with local organisations in many countries, as well as with RedR Australia and UN agencies.

Louise received a Bachelor of Social Science from RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia (1999) and a Masters of Public Health in International Health Stream, from Monash University in Melbourne,Australia (2006), where she focused on community-based responses to HIV and AIDS prevention and mitigation.This included working closely with affected communities, focusing on strategies for reducing stigma and discrimination, and improving livelihoods for people living with HIV and AIDs.

In 2011, Louise took these programme management skills, with a focus on MEAL, into the humanitarian sector. She has since led humanitarian programme reviews, including RedR’s UN Standby Partnership in the Middle East and Vanuatu, a five-year Humanitarian Programme Review for Oxfam in Myanmar, humanitarian real time evaluations/reviews in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Papua New Guinea, Mozambique and Solomon Islands, andh umanitari an impact evaluations in Nepal, Papua New Guinea and Laos.Louise has also led various humanitarian learning and training events, for local, national, international, UN and university stakeholders.