Nibona Sylvere

Country Experience: Angola, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Haiti, Iraq, Malawi, Moldova, Mozambique, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Poland, Zimbabwe, Romania, Rwanda, and Zambia.

Nibona is a specialist in logistics and supply, with more than 15 years of international humanitarian experience, including working exclusively in low-income countries and fragile contexts.

Nibona is well versed in humanitarian crisis response, having worked extensively in major emergency response, post emergency planning and long-term development programmes. He has worked for several Africa-focused organisations, assisting with disaster responses, fighting poverty, sanitation/hygiene, refugees, and displaced people. He also worked as a consultant to community clubs focusing on child-to-child approaches in water, hygiene, and sanitation programmes in Mozambique. He has an excellent track record of managing supply and logistics operations, advising teams, and supporting programmes that are struggling to deliver against their targets.

Prior to working in the humanitarian sector, Nibona served in the private sector on construction projects, including roads and systems for water supply and sewage treatment.

Note that Nibona has participated in many short trainings and one of the trainings was through WFP-led Logistics Cluster – Logistics Response Team Training (LRT), considered as one of the largest scale humanitarian simulations in logistics. He also participated in safeguarding, safe programming and Data protection training.

Nibona holds a diploma in Industrial Engineering from ITS, the University of Burundi. He speaks English, French and Portuguese.