Tanya Glanville-Wallis

Country Experience: Bangladesh, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Fiji, France, Jamaica, Madagascar, Mozambique, Nepal, Rwanda, South Sudan, Spain, Tajikistan, Uganda, United Kingdom.

Tanya is a Communications Specialist with over 15 years’ professional experience. Since 2014, she has focused on the aid sector, with emphasis on WASH. She has worked both in-house and in the field for international NGOs, with experience covering multiple categories of humanitarian crisis and response, protracted disasters, and longer-term development.

Tanya specialises in visual communications, both video production (user-generated, animated, short or long-form documentaries), and the translation of complex materials into visually engaging tools, through editing, design or simple formatting/illustrative concepts. She helps organisations to identify target audiences and communications objectives, then crafts and supervises the production process, from initial concept through to final product (including case study documentation, the production of training materials, or the improvement of existing organisational tools). Tanya has worked extensively with WASH actors, developing all materials for Oxfam’s Sani Tweaks approach, in addition to suites of tools for their Community Engagement Model and Community Perception Tracker. She also coordinated and produced the documentation of Uganda’s WASH CRRF process for UNHCR.

After several years working in-house as part of Oxfam’s Global Humanitarian Team, Tanya founded Ibex Ideas –an independent communications agency that specialises in visual communications for the aid sector. London-based but internationally mobile, she and her vast network of creatives continue to produce communications tools for the sector, including most recently for the Global WASH Cluster, the German Toilet Organization, the Danish Refugee Council, IFRC, and Oxfam in Tajikistan.

Tanya holds a Master of Arts from Cambridge University and a Master of Laws from the University of Law (London). She is also a qualified solicitor. She speaks English, French and Spanish.