Tim Forster

Country Experience: Algeria, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Chad, Djibouti, Ethiopia, France, Grenada, Haïti, India, Jordan, Lebanon, Madagascar, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Russia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Uganda, United Kingdom, Venezuela.

Tim is a water and sanitation specialist, with extensive knowledge and skills related to the sustainability of WASH systems. He has more than 25 years professional engineering experience, which includes over 20 years working in low-income countriesand fragile states. His experience includes multiple categories of humanitarian crisis and response, protracted disasters, post emergency planning and long-term development.

Tim’s core competencies include: Cluster level coordination, needs assessments, programme design and management, monitoring and evaluation, community engagement, hygiene promotion, social accountability, and capacity building.

Tim has worked for several humanitarian-centred organisations, focusing on WASH and water governance. He also has extensive experience in coordination at the Global WASH Cluster level in several countries. He is a long-standing member of Registered Engineers for Disaster Relief (RedR) and has worked as a senior adviser in several INGOs and United Nations agencies.

Tim has a long history of working in both rural and urban contexts, including major water and sanitation projects, humanitarian responses, business case preparation and supporting water utility and institutional reforms. During his career, Tim has also worked on several renewable energy projects and is a committed environmentalist.

Tim has also undertaken several programme reviews, written a number of learning documents, contributed to several research projects, been involved in strategic programme designs, and organised several knowledge sharing forums. A current research strand is looking at sustainability issues in humanitarian settings.

Tim received a ‘Mastère Spécialisé (MS)’ from Ecole National du Génie Rural, Eaux et Forêts, in Montpellier France, for his thesis on The Use of Hydraulic Modelling in Systems Analysis. In addition to his MS, Tim holds a BSc in Combined Engineering Studiesfrom Coventry Polytechnic, and a MSc in Energy Conservation from Cranfield University. Tim speaks English, Bahasa Indonesian, French, Spanish and Portuguese.