Tsehaye Zeray Gebre

Country Experience: Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Cyprus, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Kenya, Myanmar, Niger, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Sudan (Darfur), South Sudan, Tajikistan, Uganda, United Kingdom, Vietnam.

Tsehaye is a specialist in water supply, sanitation, and water resources management. He has more than 13 years professional engineering experience in low-income countries and fragile states. His experience includes multiple categories of humanitarian crisis and response, protracted disasters, post emergency planning and long-term development.

Tsehaye has worked in humanitarian-focused organisations for several years, focusing on water, sanitation and hygiene programmes, as well as water governance. He has been extensively involved in planning and implementation of water and sanitation projects related to refugees, Internally Displaced Persons and long-term development projects in African and Middle Eastern countries. He also has a long history of working in both rural and urban contexts, covering major engineering projects, water supply, climate resilience and supporting water utilities.

Tsehaye has worked with various international humanitarian organisations, including the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and currently, Oxfam GB. Prior to working in the humanitarian sector, Tsehaye was an educator in Addis Ababa Science and Technology University, Ethiopia.

Tsehaye holds a BSc in Irrigation and Water Resource Engineering from the University of Arbaminch. He also holds an MSc in Civil Engineering (specialising in Hydraulic Engineering) from Addis Ababa University, where he conducted his research thesis on Hydrological Modelling in Ungauged Water Catchments of the Blue Nile Basin in Ethiopia.