Zorica Skakun

Country Experience: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Iraq, Jordan, Serbia, Syria, Uganda, Ukraine, Western Balkans, Yemen.

Zorica is a gender specialist with over 20 years’ experience in women’s empowerment programming and gender mainstreaming in conflict, post-conflict, and socially transitioning environments.

Zorica is experienced in working in challenging contexts, including over ten years of gender component leadership experience. Her work history demonstrates a wide range of thematic areas, including women’s and girls’ empowerment, women’s rights organisation development, community engagement, engaging men and exploring masculinity, mainstreaming gender in vulnerable livelihoods, WASH, infrastructure projects, policy, and the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325: Women, Peace and Security.

Zorica’s career is centred on developing and supporting transformative gender equality strategies and research initiatives, to advance women’s rights and social transformation on multi-stakeholder, high-impact humanitarian and resilience programmes.

Zorica holds a Bachelor’s degree in Arabic and a Master’s degree in Gender and Politics. She speaks Serbian and English.