Thanks to established partnerships, country spin-offs, and connections to cluster/sectoral platforms, our network is truly global and enables us to swiftly mobilise the right team.
Explore the interactive graphic below to view our partners.

Our partners
Consulting is a consulting company that partners with aid agencies, non-profit organizations, governments and businesses in Central Asia.
Groundwater Relief, through a global membership of over 420 groundwater experts, finds the right people to support organisations who are developing and managing groundwater resources for marginalised and vulnerable communities.
OxYGen is an independent advocacy and development foundation, originally founded by Oxfam. It is driven by its vision of Armenia free of poverty and suffering, in which women and men can exercise their rights and influence decisions that impact their lives.
BRIDGE is a spin-off legacy organisation of Oxfam in Georgia, with a commitment to build on and continue stimulating socio-economic growth of the country, through sustainable models of development.
Ibex Ideas is a creative communications agency that works exclusively with the aid sector. They specialise in translating complex terminology and concepts into digestible and engaging content, to enable clients to communicate more effectively with their target audience.
Anthrologica is a leading research consultancy specialising in applied anthropology in global health. Since 2008 they have built a trusted reputation with many major international and national NGOs, UN agencies and the public sector, working in more than 45 countries and conducting over 100 projects in research, emergency response, capacity building, and monitoring and evaluation.

Agrodev is an independentĀ business service provider, focusing on value chain development, business consulting and services, training, and research. Their work is based on the conviction that successful, inclusive development must be shaped by a strong orientation to market systems, aiming to change the way that development is done.

Equidev is an international public organisation, providing expert development solutions and technicalĀ support to advance sustainable development and equitable growth in Central Asia and Afghanistan. Equidev partners with bilateral and multilateral agencies, governments, not-for-profit organisations, social enterprises and the private sector to achieve their mission.
The Oxfam Confederation has decades of experience working within the humanitarian field, allowing our specialists to hone their skills and develop a refined repertoire of international aid best practices.

Oxfam Consults strives to support the delivery of high-quality humanitarian aid and development projects. Learn more about why you should use our services.